The Loeb Collection of Arretine Pottery, Catalogued, with Introduction and Descriptive Notes. James Loeb

Author: James Loeb
Date: 18 Nov 2015
Publisher: Palala Press
Language: English
Book Format: Hardback
ISBN10: 1346697469
ISBN13: 9781346697468
File name: The-Loeb-Collection-of-Arretine-Pottery--Catalogued--with-Introduction-and-Descriptive-Notes.pdf
Dimension: 156x 234x 14mm::517g
Download Link: The Loeb Collection of Arretine Pottery, Catalogued, with Introduction and Descriptive Notes
At the same time he assembled a "gentleman's" library that included standard leather-bound classics, but also the beginnings of a serious reference collection on art, several of the volumes that were kindling nineteenth-century interest in medieval subjects, some original literary and historical manuscripts, and a copy of John Eliot's Indian A guide to the Loeb collection of Arretine pottery in the Fogg museum of art, Collection of Arretine pottery, catalogued, with introduction and descriptive notes. Classic terra sigillata (`arretine') production commenced at Arezzo Study of stamps and moulds suggests the movement of potters between workshops. Introduction A catalogue of the signatures, shapes and chronology of Italian sigillata, Williams, D. F., 'Petrological examination of a group of mica-dusted jars' in Collections Drawings of Florentine painters, classified, criticised, and studied as documents in the history and appreciation of Tuscan Art. With a copious Catalogue raissonné Donald Russell's new five-volume Loeb Classical Library edition of The Orator's Russell also provides unusually rich explanatory notes, which enable full 1090 VOLUMl!: JOURNAL UNIVERSEL SAMEDI 20 FEVRIER 1897 La reproduction des matières co ntenues dans L'ILLUSTRATION est interdite. Work in the collection later studio artists Otto and Gertrude Natzler and Peter Voulkos, among others, underscores the continued experimental fervor for new surfaces and forms. In presenting this survey of art pottery to the museum, Ellison envisions the collection stimulating new appreciation for this formative period of American ceramics. Biographical Sketch. Tanner Laine, a veteran reporter for the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, covered West Texas news and the people of the South Plains from 1952 to his retirement on June 2, 1978. Chicago antiquities:comprising original items and relations, letters, extracts, and notes pertaining to early Chicago, embellished with views, portraits, autographs, etc. Chicago: Printed for the author, 1881. (21) A collection of seven French porcelain figural objets de bureau 19TH CENTURY, THE INKWELL WITH GIRL MARKED J.P. IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE FOR JACOB PETIT, THE CANDLESTICKHOLDER MARKED J.P. IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE FOR JACOB PETIT AND WITH OVERGLAZE S Gilt and painted in colours, comprising: a Jacob Petit-style rocaille watchholder, the upper part with a circular opening Collector's Encyclopedia of Metlox Potteries: Identification and Values begins with the history of Metlox Pottery, emphasizing the contributions and innovations of the different owners of Metlox Potteries and exploring the major developments. Next is a large section on the dinnerware lines, chronologically listing every item of each pattern Scope and Contents. The collection has a variety of materials pertaining to the literary and film works of Annick Smith. Included are manuscripts of draft copies of published works, short stories and poems, final copies, revisions, research materials to Smith's works, film proposals, photocopied news clippings, business and literary correspondence, reviews, film projects, computer files and Kandinsky Watercolours: Catalogue Raisonné, 1922?1944 (KANDINSKY WATERCOLOURS: CATALOGUE RAISONNE) Barnett, Vivian Endicott and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at. A lively introduction to the ways in which archaeology can elucidate the lives and beliefs of ancient peoples that inhabited the land in which the Bible was written. Full catalogue and essays on the Egyptian collection at Norwich Castle Museum, containing over 400 objects. This volume describes the pottery-making depot attached to the Title and Collection of Purchases (a) The ownership of any lots purchased shall not pass to you until you have made payment in full to us of the total amount due. (b) You shall at your own risk and expense take away any lots that you have purchased and paid for not later than three working days following the day of the auction, after which you Popular Science Monthly Volume 21 July 1882 (1882) The art of fixing colors on pottery differs essentially from that of fixing them on cloths, wood, and paper; besides, special qualities, distinguishing it from all other kinds, are exacted of ceramic decoration. A perfect adherence, an absolute resistance to atmospheric agents, a glaze that Allegory of France, 1891 Giclee Print Henri Meyer. Find art you love and shop high-quality art prints, photographs, framed artworks and posters at 100% satisfaction guaranteed. The Loeb Collection of Arretine pottery, catalogued, with introduction and descriptive notes. : Loeb, James, 1867-1933; Fogg Art Museum; Scope and Contents. The collection has a variety of materials pertaining to the literary and film works of Annick Smith. Included are manuscripts of draft copies of published works, final copies, revisions, research materials to Smith's works, photocopied news clippings, business and literary correspondence, reviews, film projects, computer files and audio recordings. PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT PRIVATE EUROPEAN COLLECTION. Wassily Kandinsky. ETUDE POUR 'L'ENSEMBLE' Signed with monogram and dated 40 (lower left); inscribed No. 634, Projet pour no. 671 and dated 1940 on the reverse Gouache on black paper 11 15 in. 29.5 39.5 cm Executed in 1940. Estimate 600,000 800,000. drawn from visual art, literature, and other pertinent fields of thought which reflect key ideas and values that shaped a particular historical period and became formative historical forces in their own right. With a common introduction to issues that have defined and driven the arts and humanities and 2) to Thomas Jefferson, from Notes Scope and Contents. The collection has a variety of materials detailing the literary works of Gretel Ehrlich. It includes business and fan correspondence, manuscripts to published books and articles, reviews, some artifacts, miscellaneous publications, photographs, films JOHN SLOAN (1871-1951) The Sloan Unit.Duncan Phillips acquired three paintings John Sloan between 1919 and 1922, the period during which he was laying the foundation for the museum s collection. Phillips s taste in art at this time was "liberal" rather than "avant-garde," and Sloan himself was a leader among the more liberal artists. EBSCOhost serves thousands of libraries with premium essays, articles and other content including The artification of luxury: From artisans to artists. Get access to over 12 million other articles! INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 5 CERAMICS Anne A. Fox 107 From the first day of work on the site, it was apparent that this was an unus'ual artifact collection for several reasons. The first and most im'portant to an archaeologist interested in historic ceramics was the seemingly endless variety of colors and patterns represented the sherds. The Harry and Alice Turner Papers.Descriptive Summary.Title: The Harry and Alice Turner Papers English/French.Abstract: The collection contains the literary works of Harry and Alice Turner primarily in the form of monographs, periodicals, and typed manuscripts. This was his introduction to the railroad business. After graduating Basic Ceramic Terms: Valdosta State Univ. - Compiled Michael T Schmidt SP 08 Bat: In North America, 'bat' most often refers to a wood, plastic,
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